Wednesday, June 29, 2005

bumper sticker shock

Ah, political bumper stickers. Living in Texas during the 2004 Presidental election, I thought I had seen all the pro-adminstration stickers there were to be seen. I was wrong. Yesterday as I was driving to work, I saw a sticker that said, "My heroes have always been cowboys." As I approached it, I saw that it featured a picture of President George W. Bush. As we all know, we should be glad to have a cowboy as president.

currently annoyed at the Denver Post and Associated Press.

Tuesday, June 28, 2005

the scariest article I've read in a while

In a fantastic piece for the New Yorker, Hanna Rosin provides an in-depth look at Patrick Henry College. I don't know how I can I think I'll provide some quotes:

Three times a year, the White House chooses a hundred students for a three-month internship. Patrick Henry, with only three hundred students, has taken between one and five of the spots in each of the past five years—roughly the same as Georgetown.

“Come on, we know politicians lie,” he began. “Come on, we know politicians lie,” he began. “This is a bit sensitive. How about our beloved George W. Bush? Does he deceive us with what he says in public? Does he lie?” The students, who had been fully engaged on the subject of Machiavelli and Waco, were silent. Bush has been President since they were teen-agers, and the school newspaper’s editorials never deviate from the White House position. Finally, one student said, “No, I don’t think so.”

The school has to make room for a student like Farahn Morgan, a ballerina who is trying out to be a Rockette and likes to provoke her roommates by saying she’s going to Victoria’s Secret (“People, everyone wears a bra!”), and for a junior like Ben Adams, who sent out a nine-page e-mail to the entire student body before the spring formal reminding the girls to dress modestly. “Lust is sin,” it said. “It is sin for you to tempt us. It is . . . unloving. Unsisterly. Un-Christlike.”

Girls talk about not “stumbling” a guy, the equivalent of tempting him, and resident advisers keep a close eye on them to make sure they don’t wear shirts that show any bra. If they do, they’ll get a friendly e-mail—“I think I saw you in dress code violation,” followed by a smiley emoticon. (Not everyone takes the strictures well: one woman I spoke to would sometimes cry in the stairwell after being criticized by other girls for dressing inappropriately; she is transferring.) Smoking, drinking, and “public displays of affection in any campus building” are forbidden. Matthew du Mée, who was an R.A., told me that if he saw a boy and girl sitting too close for too long he would pull the boy aside and tell him to stop, because “the guy is supposed to be the leader in the relationship.”

A faction of homeschooling parents lobbied Farris not to admit girls to the college, but he told me that he considered that an “extreme” position. “All women, moms included, benefit from a great education,” he said. Men and women compete openly. When all the best papers in a constitutional-law class that Farris taught were turned in by girls—and not for the first time—Farris yelled at the boys to grow up.

She would have serious discussions about children and insurance before the first kiss. Then, at some point, the boys realized “how much I really loved politics and wanted to be a part of it,” and the prospect of her commitment to a career became a problem.

Monday, June 27, 2005

leave my child alone

Army recruiters are getting even more desparte. And it's not like things were bad before. Now, however, there is an interesting movement aimed at parents of high school students to prevent their child's private information from being released to army recruiters. (Made possible by the No Child Left Behind Act)

currently needing to clean my room.

Sunday, June 26, 2005


I just bought Espo's Mango Sorbetto from King Soopers. Three ingredients are listed: water, mango, sugar. Holy hell, so good. You can find amazing products when you buy local.

currently listening to my father whistle along to kelly clarkson, "behind these hazel eyes"

Thursday, June 23, 2005


I just submitted my Peace Corps application online.

Wednesday, June 22, 2005

it can start with one

At my last door of the night, the man told me, "I can't give any money, but how else can I help?"

If there were more people like him, the world would be a better place.

currently watching "30 days" on fx

Sandals with a Christian message

Walk your faith--evangelize with every step you take.

Tuesday, June 21, 2005

President Bush should

hail a genuine Pakistani hero and spotlight the goals of ordinary Pakistanis - not fighter aircraft but simple justice.

currently listening to gratitude, "drive away"

Sunday, June 19, 2005

What's Their Real Problem With Gay Marriage? (It's the Gay Part)

I realized I was hearing about the same encounter from both sides. What was expressed as love was received as something close to hate. That's a hard gap to bridge.

currently listening to sarah harmer, "basement apartment" on KCVU

batman begins

I think a good movie adaptation of a comic book character should make you want to read the comic. Batman Begins accomplishes just that. I learned from an interview with Frank Miller that the new movie is loosely based on his Batman: Year One. Perhaps I shall check it out.

Christopher Nolan has successfully brought Batman back after being lost in Joel Schumacher's homoerotic fantasy. Although, the fact that Batman is gay is nothing new.

currently listening to jesse collin young - "before you came" on KCVU

is it really that surprising?

Secrets don't make friends, but friends make secrets.

an attempt at a new beginning

Right now I feel that I have a scattered identity around the 'net. This blog is an attempt to bring everything together and provide a place for interested folks to find updates about myself. Only time will tell if this experiment ends in success.

currently listening to KGNU

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