Sunday, July 31, 2005

the ring came off my pudding can

Except in this case, the ring came off my Diet Coke with Vanilla can. Yes, upon attempting to open my Phenylalanine filled beverage, the ring snapped before it completely punctured the lid. Alas! Frontally I discovered that a slight hole had been punched open before the breakage. The liquid comes out in small sips, but I am still able to enjoy it. However, sipping the drink this way quickly triggered a memory. In elementary school (5 grade ish) my friends and I would purposely only slightly open cans of soda and drink precisely this way. Why would we do this? Because we decided it was cool, for no other reason than because we said so. We decided that folding our pizza slices in half was cool as well.

I had completely forgotten this, but as soon as I started to drink my soda, today, at 22, it came rushing back. Memory is a weird thing, and thanks to intro psychology I know it is unreliable. It is truly fascinating how the kinesic activity made me remember, but I guess it could have never happened.

Man, fuck critical thinking. I'm just going to drink my soda.

currently trying to suck the last bit of my soda from a very small hole

Friday, July 29, 2005

pc filter

My interview for the Peace Corps is Tuesday at 10am.

currently thirsty

Thursday, July 28, 2005

that's my rep!

I really hate being represented in the U.S. Congress by Tom Tancredo, "Major League Asshole":
Tancredo: Well, what if you said something like, "If this happens in the United States and we determine that it is the result of extremist, fundamentalist Muslims." You could take out their holy sites.

Campbell: You're talking about bombing Mecca?

Tancredo: Yeah.

But Tancredo's spokesmen does want to clear the air:
"He said he was sorry if anybody was offended," Adams said. "He never meant it to be an insult."

Adams added later, "He has not issued an apology or a retraction."

Asked to explain why Tancredo saying he was sorry was not an apology, Adams said Tancredo meant to express regret at how his remarks were received, not the remarks themselves.

Remember, Tancredo for President.

currently eating an Amy's Burrito

Wednesday, July 20, 2005

run Rove, run

Confused about the allegations against Karl Rove?

"The Daily Show" has really summed it up the best:
Best Leak Ever and Rove, Actually

Monday, July 18, 2005

perfect time of day

Long time no update so I will summarize in a fun list format:


  • Commuted two days to work from a hotel in Boulder because friends were staying there
  • Helped find a friend an apartment in Boulder for one of those friends
  • Received my first information packet on investing from an EdwardJones Representative
  • Started to read a book my dad bought for me
  • Bought the sixth Harry Potter book at 12:01 am on Saturday (and started to read it)
  • Saw Charlie and the Chocolate Factory
  • Finally went to the cool coffee shop near work, St. Mark's
  • Got convinced to attend the Gavin DeGraw / Howie Day concert
  • Recognized by someone I went to high school with at said concert
  • Recognized by someone I went to high school with while working
  • Got told my an old lady "Pro-choice means just that, a woman should have a choice!"
  • Trained my very first "observer" at work

    currently smelling my smelly feet

  • Friday, July 08, 2005

    friday five

    1. What is the best thing about the city in which you live? What is the worst?

    Best thing: That I am less than an hour drive away from Denver.
    Worst thing: The fact that I actually live here.

    2. Describe an idea or invention of yours that you would like to see turned into reality.

    In elementary school and middle school, I played various instruments for band and/or orchestra. While lugging these instruments from my house to the bus stop (and vice versa), I often wished that Star Trek transporters existed. And if that kind of technology existed, it should definitely be used for that purpose.

    3. If you could strike one word from the English language, which word would you choose and why?

    No idea, but I wish the word "fugal" wasn't associated with something so gross. It's a fun word to say. Go ahead - say it out loud.

    4. If the world had a front porch, what would you do on it?

    Sing and play guitar. Because if I have the power to create a front porch for the world, I have the power to make myself musically talented.

    5. Did you think that being an adult would be cool?

    Yep. And I don't have a lot of experience in this department yet, but I still think it has potential. I have never been able to jump on the boat with people waxing nostalgic about elementary school days. I don't need to head back to those days of low self-esteem. Go back to middle school? Fuck no. And I'd choose college over high school, for sure.

    currently eating tapioca pudding

    tommy can you hear me?

    Delusions of Grandeur: President Tom Tancredo

    It appears that my trusty US House Rep introducing himself to the Iowa Christian Collation on Pat Buchanan's family dime. Tommy has been a busy boy in his four terms in House. He seems to believe that focusing on one issue is the way to go. He founded Team America PAC. (Sadly, this is the Team America without puppets.)

    Team America's mission is to identify, recruit and help elect to public office individual Patriots who agree with the principle of defending our borders and protecting America's jobs.

    Actually, go ahead and run Tommy. It would mean you would finally stop you from pushing your agenda in Congress because the people in my district seem to simply vote along party lines. I have faith that you would lose, dear Tommy, because I have faith that the nation would not look past the crazy people that support you.

    currently needing to get ready for work

    Thursday, July 07, 2005


    Thank God for three day weekends.

    I drove up to Snowmass this weekend to take advantage of an invitation to allow me to stay at a friend's family's cabin. I drove up Saturday and stayed until Tuesday morning (I had a four hour commute to work that morning). It was wonderful to actually spend time with friends. Since moving back to Colorado, all social interactions have been confined to staff night at work and to phone / instant messenger conversations with people out of state.

    Just being there brought down my stress level to a negative number. We made chocolate fondue two nights in a row, spent some time in a hot tub, went hiking, saw some Amish at Independence Pass, watched fireworks in Aspen, and played some mean games of crochet. Oh, I also had an oat bran banana waffle with real maple syrup and got to play with a hyperactive cocker spaniel.

    I suppose this might be unneeded advice, but unless you make a six-figure plus income, and don't mind blowing it, don't waste your time walking around Aspen. Go hiking or something instead.

    currently drinking coffee

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