Sunday, July 31, 2005

the ring came off my pudding can

Except in this case, the ring came off my Diet Coke with Vanilla can. Yes, upon attempting to open my Phenylalanine filled beverage, the ring snapped before it completely punctured the lid. Alas! Frontally I discovered that a slight hole had been punched open before the breakage. The liquid comes out in small sips, but I am still able to enjoy it. However, sipping the drink this way quickly triggered a memory. In elementary school (5 grade ish) my friends and I would purposely only slightly open cans of soda and drink precisely this way. Why would we do this? Because we decided it was cool, for no other reason than because we said so. We decided that folding our pizza slices in half was cool as well.

I had completely forgotten this, but as soon as I started to drink my soda, today, at 22, it came rushing back. Memory is a weird thing, and thanks to intro psychology I know it is unreliable. It is truly fascinating how the kinesic activity made me remember, but I guess it could have never happened.

Man, fuck critical thinking. I'm just going to drink my soda.

currently trying to suck the last bit of my soda from a very small hole

You know what's sick. I knew what phenylalanine was before I clicked the link.. and still got some sick pleasure out of reading about organic compounds. Sick.
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