Thursday, July 28, 2005

that's my rep!

I really hate being represented in the U.S. Congress by Tom Tancredo, "Major League Asshole":
Tancredo: Well, what if you said something like, "If this happens in the United States and we determine that it is the result of extremist, fundamentalist Muslims." You could take out their holy sites.

Campbell: You're talking about bombing Mecca?

Tancredo: Yeah.

But Tancredo's spokesmen does want to clear the air:
"He said he was sorry if anybody was offended," Adams said. "He never meant it to be an insult."

Adams added later, "He has not issued an apology or a retraction."

Asked to explain why Tancredo saying he was sorry was not an apology, Adams said Tancredo meant to express regret at how his remarks were received, not the remarks themselves.

Remember, Tancredo for President.

currently eating an Amy's Burrito

He doesn't sound like any fun at all.

I wouldn't want to go to a party he was at.

hehe, He is on my party no list
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