Saturday, December 31, 2005
This time last year I was exactly where I was right now: at my Aunt's house in Allen, TX. If there is one thing I can count on, it is my family's Christmas holiday celebration schedule.
Let me see if I can sum up '05 at 8am in the morning...
Jan: I brought in the New Year with Katy, Elliot, DP and some of Katy's friends from high school. We ate at Bahama Breeze, and then took the party to a Marriott. I found out that the fact that Martha Stewart lost her door decorating contest in prison was common knowledge, and that I shouldn't spend a whole evening drinking Austrian potato vodka. The next day I bought Fast Food Nation and read during the drive home. I started my last semester of my senior year of college.
Feb: I went to classes, I guess. Hey, Feb is a short month.
March: Spring Break '05! My brother was living down in Tempe, AZ, and my parents and I met there and we went to Sedona, AZ. After my parents left, I flew to Las Vegas, NV to spend part of the week with three fabulous friends from high school. I then flew back to AZ to spend the rest of the week with Aaron in Tempe. (I timed it right so I spent my first 21+ St. Patrick's Day in two different states. Boo-ya.) After returning to school, I had my professor look me in the eye and tell me that I should go to Grad School. Talk about a confidence boost, but then I still managed to get caught up in Senioritis, Ah well.
April: I made new friends! I started spending time with the Army boys downstairs, and I got to see a different side of life in San Antonio. Plus, they fed me.
May: I graduated! I drove back to Colorado with my parents, and then got a job as soon as possible.
June: I went back to San Antonio for my very first college friends wedding. I submitted my Peace Corps application.
July: Katy and Elliot came to Colorado. I met them up in Snowmass and spent the Fourth of July with Elliot's family (and Katy). I then met Katy and Elliot up in Boulder to help Elliot look for an apartment. They then got to see the glory of Parker. :p Oh, my birthday was the 25th. I went to work.
Aug: Katy and Elliot come back to Colorado! This time to move Elliot in to his new place. We finally got to eat at the grilled cheese restaurant. It was good. Shay also moves back home, and Aaron and his sister Jen help him get his stuff back home. I think took Aaron and Jen to see CU and CSU for future grad school possibilities (for Jen). I had my Peace Corps interview and recieved a nomination.
Sept: I went to Montana to work for Project Vote Smart for a couple of weeks. Then I quit my job as soon as a got back.
Oct: I did my first big solo road trip. I drove down to Albuqurque, NM to hang out with Beth. I then went to San Antonio to spend time with Granny and to go to Alumni Weekend. I had my same professor as mentioned above tell me that I would be a good fit at University of Washington (he is an alum).
Nov: I went to three days of Matt Nathanson concerts. In a row. The Boulder show was the best. Oh, then flew to Korea, and then I flew to Taipei the day before Thanksgiving.
Dec: Rocked out in Taipei most of Dec. I then flew home the 19th, drove to Dallas on the 20th, and then San Antonio on the 22nd...then Houston on the 25th, back to San Antonio on the 28th, back to Dallas on the 30th, and then I will go back to Denver on the 2nd. Like I said, the usual family schedule.
I anticipate the beginning of 2006 to be less mobile than the end of 2005. As soon as I get back home, I want to get Dr appts done so maybe I can find out where I'm going for the Peace Corps. I'm also looking to take the GRE in March, and I keep going back and forth on taking a college course.
Anyway, Happy New Year!
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